Your Strategic Partner
Mental Training
Learning how to focus on what matters, when it matters most
"Mental training always matters, but it matters most for those who compete with the elite!
- Dr. Paul Saville
Why it always matters
All skills require consistent daily action and can only be improved when we are able to focus on what matters, when it matters most.
Accessing our full potential hinges on our ability to embrace our process and remain flexible to the ever-changing demands our sport throws at us.
Why it matters most for the elite
Physical and technical abilities serve as the foundation for all athletic performances.
This explains why many athletes experience success earlier in their careers despite having never engaged in mental training.
However, as athletes progress to the elite ranks, where physical and technical abilities level off, mental training becomes increasingly more important.
How it Works
We believe the solutions to all performance issues can be found within a confidential coach-athlete relationship.
The challenge is that half the information, needed to solve these issues, resides in you (the athlete) while the other half exists in us (the coach).
Therefore, true progress can only be made if we work together to clarify what matters most for you.
We take an evidence-based approach to coaching that draws on 1) cutting-edge sport science research, 2) our coaching expertise that comes from coaching high performers like you, and 3) your own insights drawn from your first-hand experiences with optimal performance.
These 3 components set us up to form an effective coaching alliance that will allow us to tailor our coaching to your unique needs .
High performance hinges on your ability to clarify and conquer what matters most, for you.
Preparation is an essential aspect of athletic performance, but it's not until we learn how to anchor our preparation to our purpose that we are able to stay true to our mission in the midst of chaos.
Letting go of past performances, future expectations, or unhelpful storylines is the only way to truly optimize performance in each competitive moment.
Anyone can achieve greatness once, but on-going progress requires us to work through all competitive challenges with an objective, non-judgmental focus that can only make us better.
What WIll we work on?
Gaining perspective, identifying blindspots, and recognizing opportunities for continued growth.
"Awareness transcends both positive and negative thoughts and allows us to be present with our performance"
Developing helpful patterns of thinking that shape the way you respond to situations, events, and people.
"Failure is a choice that you make when you stop trying"
Mental Skills Training
Practicing and pressure testing tools and tactics known to enhance confidence, composure, and committed action including: mental flexibility, imagery, energy management, etc.
"The goal is to create a helpful habit that can be applied instinctively under pressure"